LLR Eye casualty experience
LLR eye clinic have kindly offered sessional experience placements for any optometrists who are interested. If this is something you’d like to know more about, please contact [email protected]
LLR eye clinic have kindly offered sessional experience placements for any optometrists who are interested. If this is something you’d like to know more about, please contact [email protected]
There has been some variance in how quickly practices are contacting patients, after a F2F referral has been sent. To simplify advice given to patients, they will be advised if they don’t hear anything from their selected practice, within 2 working days, then they should contact the practice directly to organize an appointment. Hopefully, this will make the process for patients and practices easier.
We have been advised by Northamptonshire CCG, that ” as they do not have a CUES service, they would not expect not expect Northamptonshire registered patients to be referred or accepted for treatment within the LLR CUES service delivery model “ Could you please ensure that any Leciestershire / Northamptonshire border patients are not manged through the LLR CUE service
There are two documents which maybe useful around cataract referrals. The first is an outline of the process for practices and the second is an information letter which can be printed and handed to the patient
This has been cascaded from within NHSE and thought it might be of interest “In July 2020, MHRA put out a statement noting that temperature screening products should not be relied on for the detection of coronavirus (COVID-19) : https://www.gov.uk/government/news/dont-rely-on-temperature-screening-products-for-detection-of-coronavirus-covid-19-says-mhra. There is nothing in the COVID-19: Guidance for the remobilisation of services within health and care settings Infection prevention and control recommendations that recommends temperature testing as a stand-alone screening tool. “
If your practice has a NHS.net email account – registering with the NHS PPE portal will give you access to free PPE https://nhs-ppe.co.uk/
Just to apologize for the lack of stamps on the letter – EMMS will be more than happy to refund the cost of the postage. However, in acknowledgment of the error and because its a good thing to do, we have made a donation of 200.00 Leicester food bank
18:00 29th September All users should now be able to view their statements. Visit the Statements tab, and filter using the date range. If you have submitted a cataract claim using a spreadsheet, this will not appear on the statement page.