Cues face to face referrals

There has been some variance in how quickly practices are contacting patients, after a F2F referral has been sent. To simplify advice given to patients, they will be advised if they don’t hear anything from their selected practice, within 2 working days, then they should contact the practice directly to organize an appointment. Hopefully, this will make the process for patients and practices easier.

Out of area – Northamptonshire patients

We have been advised by Northamptonshire CCG, that ” as they do not have a CUES service, they would not expect not expect Northamptonshire registered patients to be referred or accepted for treatment within the LLR CUES service delivery model “ Could you please ensure that any Leciestershire / Northamptonshire border patients are not manged through the LLR CUE service

Use of non-contact forehead thermometers for fever screening

This has been cascaded from within NHSE and thought it might be of interest “In July 2020, MHRA put out a statement noting that temperature screening products should not be relied on for the detection of coronavirus (COVID-19) : There is nothing in the COVID-19: Guidance for the remobilisation of services within health and care settings Infection prevention and control recommendations that recommends temperature testing as a stand-alone screening tool. “